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Apple Cheesecake Crumble

You’re Not Ready for This!

Seriously, this Apple Cheesecake Crumble is one of the best apple desserts you’ll ever have! The first time I made it, I actually made it because it was fall and I wanted an apple dessert. I really wasn’t expecting much excitement from my family, because even though my husband and I love apple pie and apple desserts, our kids have never been crazy about them. However, they went nuts over this dessert!

My son doesn’t like ANY type of apple dessert, but even he can’t get enough of this one! Apple Cheesecake Crumble is now the most requested dessert at our house. So, with my family loving it so much, I think it’s safe to assume that yours may also love it!

Easy As (Apple) Pie!

This is a really uncomplicated dessert. So, I don’t think I need to write a 3,000 word essay on putting it together. Just follow the recipe below and it’ll turn out great! There are just a couple of tips to make it a little easier. First, lay out the butter and cream cheese several hours earlier to soften. If you forget, (and I have,) it’s no big deal to soften them in the microwave. It will just save you an extra step if you remember to lay them out.

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Second, it’s a good idea to invest in an apple slicer/corer. It’s really fast to just use this on your peeled apples and them slice up the sections. I’ll put a link below for one on Amazon.

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Also, if you don’t have Amazon Prime, use the link below to get a free trial. Amazon Prime saves me so much time and money. I don’t have to run to multiple stores to find what I need. Their two day shipping is just an added plus!

This dessert is fantastic any time of the year, but it will really be a hit for Thanksgiving, Christmas and fall events or potlucks. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do! As always, if you have any questions, email, and I’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

Love, Jenn

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