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Decorative Loaf of Pumpkin Bread

I am so excited to share this with all of you! So, if you’ve spent much time on my site, then you know that I love fall and all things pumpkin. Last week, I decided to make homemade pumpkin bread. While flipping through some family recipes, I ran across this fantastic pumpkin bread recipe that a friend gave me about 25 years ago. I had forgotten all about it, but I did remember that it was fantastic. People, let me tell you, I didn’t remember just how fantastic it was. My family flipped over it! So, of course I thought of all of you, my faithful readers, and had to share.


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I remembered one thing about the first time my friend brought me a loaf of this pumpkin bread that was a little unusual. It was baked in a round tube shape. When I asked what type of pan she used, she told me she baked it in small metal Folger’s coffee cans. I use either a couple of loaf pans or a bundt pan. It’s fun to use different seasonal pans when baking. I decided to share some really cute and fun Nordicware baking pans that I found. I have a Nordicware pan that makes six mini bundt cakes and I love it. So far, I’ve not had anything stick in it. The price is more than I would normally pay, but the fact that it doesn’t stick makes it worth the extra money. Also, these pans are so heavy that they’ll never warp or bend, so this pan can be passed down to family members for generations. This fall themed bakeware will add an element of fun to all of your fall cakes and breads!

I’m not going to give you a running commentary on how to make this pumpkin bread. It’s super easy and straightforward. Just follow the directions below, and you’ll have amazing pumpkin bread in no time.

I do want to offer one quick reminder. If you bake this in a bundt pan, then your baking time will be between 60 & 65 minutes. Oddly enough, loaf pans are between 55 & 60 minutes. I haven’t actually made cakelets yet with this recipe, but I would check them after 25 minutes, and then add time as needed. Happy Baking!!

Love, Jenn

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