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A festive bowl of guacamole garnished with diced onions and tomatoes, Tortilla chips scattered around the bowl.

Are you tired of complicated guacamole recipes that take forever to make? Look no further!

I’m here to share with you the easiest guacamole recipe that will satisfy your cravings in no time.

  • Discover how to choose ripe avocados
  • Learn how to prepare your avocado for recipes
  • Find out how to prevent your guacamole from browning
  • Get guidance on storing prepared guacamole and its shelf life

Avocados: Love Them or Hate Them

Here’s something a lot of people don’t know about me. Avocados are one of my absolute favorite foods. I love them diced with a little salt and lemon juice squeezed over them. I like them on my toast, and I really love to put an over easy fried egg on my avocado toast for a power packed breakfast.

Here’s a funny story. Back when I was an administrative assistant, one of the employees from our warehouse came in and saw me putting mashed avocado on my boiled egg. A little later, our tech supervisor, who was also a good friend, came in laughing and said that the warehouse employee thought I’d snapped because, in his words, “she’s putting green slime on her egg.” 😂

I actually can’t think of a way that I don’t love this little green fruit. (Surprise! It’s a fruit, not a vegetable.) I enjoy them on salad and in my tacos. Avocados are also very healthy. When eaten in place of saturated fats, they help to lower bad cholesterol.

Did you know that avocados are on the list of superfoods? They contain anti-aging and disease fighting antioxidants. They also have over 20 vitamins and minerals. Seriously, what’s not to love?!

Easy Peasy Guacamole

Longtime readers of my blog know that I don’t like fiddly recipes. Don’t get me wrong, I will absolutely prepare something really involved for holidays, special occasions or when the mood strikes.

With that being said, as a general rule I like to keep it easy and uncomplicated. After all, your girl’s busy! This delicious recipe was given to me by a friend years ago, and it’s still my favorite. The most complicated thing about this guacamole is the dicing, and that doesn’t take long. After that, it’s just dump, mix and dip.

Tips for Dicing Jalapeños

If you’re new to cooking with hot peppers, be sure to read this. Jalapeños and other hot peppers won’t only burn your mouth, but also your skin. I strongly recommend that you buy a box of latex gloves to keep in your kitchen. Wear them when you are dicing or cutting up hot peppers.

You also want to avoid touching your face at all costs. You don’t want hot pepper in your eyes. Carefully remove and discard your gloves as soon as you’re finished handling your peppers. Keep in mind, if you touch anything else, spoons, knives, etc, while dicing peppers, you’ll need to thoroughly wash it to remove the juice from the peppers. Again, you don’t want to accidentally get hot pepper on your hands and touch your face.

Here are some other posts you may enjoy.

How to Prepare Avocados for Use

Preparing avocados for your guacamole or any recipe is a breeze once you know the right technique. Follow these steps:

  1. Start by cutting the avocado in half lengthwise. Gently twist the two halves to separate them.
  2. Remove the pit by carefully striking it with a knife and twisting it out.
  3. Using a spoon, scoop out the avocado flesh from both halves and place it in a mixing bowl.
  4. If you are mashing your avocado, use a fork or a potato masher to mash it until reaching your desired consistency.
  5. To dice the avocados, use a sharp knife and cut through the peeled avocado in a crosshatch pattern.

By following these simple steps, you’ll have perfectly prepared avocados for your recipes.

Prefer an avocado slicer? Check out this one!

If you’re a visual learner and would like to see how to prepare an avocado, check out the video below.

Tips for Preventing Browning of Guacamole

When it comes to guacamole, we all want that vibrant green color and fresh taste. But it can be disappointing when your homemade guacamole starts turning brown soon after making it. Don’t worry, I’ve got some tips to help you prevent browning and keep your guacamole looking and tasting its best.

Add Citrus Juice

One of the easiest ways to prevent your guacamole from browning is by adding citrus juice. The acidity in citrus fruits like lemon or lime helps slow down the oxidation process, which is what causes the avocado to turn brown. Squeeze in a generous amount of fresh lemon or lime juice and give your guacamole a good mix. Not only will it add a zesty tang, but it will also help keep your guacamole looking fresh.

Cover with Plastic Wrap

Another trick to prevent browning is to cover your guacamole tightly with plastic wrap. Make sure the plastic wrap is pressed directly onto the surface of the guacamole to create a barrier between the air and the avocado. This will help minimize exposure to oxygen, which is a key factor in the browning process. Don’t worry about the plastic wrap touching the guacamole; it won’t affect the taste.

Store in an Airtight Container

After covering your guacamole with plastic wrap, transfer it to an airtight container. This will provide an additional layer of protection and help maintain freshness. Choose a container that fits your guacamole without much extra space, as excess air can lead to faster browning. Make sure to seal the container tightly to prevent any air from getting in.

By adding citrus juice, covering with plastic wrap, and storing in an airtight container, you can extend the lifespan of your guacamole and keep it looking irresistible. Your guacamole will stay green and fresh for longer, allowing you to enjoy it whenever you please.

Storing Prepared Guacamole

Now that you have made a delicious batch of guacamole, you may be wondering how to store it for later use. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can follow to ensure your guacamole stays fresh and tasty for as long as possible.

First, it is important to transfer your guacamole into a suitable storage container. I recommend using an airtight container to prevent any air from getting in and causing the guacamole to spoil. Alternatively, you can also use a resealable plastic bag, making sure to squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing it.

Next, refrigeration is key when it comes to storing guacamole. Place your container of guacamole in the refrigerator as soon as possible. The cold temperature will help slow down the oxidation process, keeping your guacamole fresh and vibrant.

Now, you may be wondering how long your guacamole will keep. On average, properly stored guacamole can stay fresh for about 2-3 days in the refrigerator. However, keep in mind that this shelf life can vary depending on the freshness of the avocados used and the ingredients in your guacamole recipe.

One way to determine if your guacamole has gone bad is by checking for any changes in color, texture, or smell. If you notice any brown discoloration, a slimy texture, or a rancid odor, it is best to discard the guacamole as it may have spoiled.

So go ahead and enjoy your easy homemade guacamole whenever the craving strikes! Just remember to store it properly and keep an eye on its freshness.

Quick Recap

So there you have it, the easiest guacamole recipe that is sure to be a hit with family and friends. Now that we’ve covered all the steps and tips, let’s recap what you’ve learned:

  • Choosing ripe avocados is crucial for the best-tasting guacamole. Look for avocados that are slightly soft when gently squeezed. (For reference, watch the video above.)
  • To prepare and dice the avocados, cut them in half, remove the pit, and scoop out the flesh. Then, carefully dice the avocados into small pieces to achieve the perfect texture.
  • Browning of guacamole can be prevented by adding citrus juice, such as lime or lemon, which adds a tangy flavor and acts as a natural preservative. Alternatively, covering the guacamole tightly with plastic wrap can help minimize air exposure.
  • When storing prepared guacamole, it is important to refrigerate it to maintain freshness. Transfer the guacamole to an airtight container or a plastic bag to prevent it from drying out.
  • Guacamole typically stays fresh for about 1 to 2 days in the refrigerator. Factors such as the freshness of the avocados and the handling of the guacamole can affect its shelf life.

Now that you’re armed with all the knowledge and tips, it’s time to whip up a batch of this delicious guacamole and share it with your loved ones. Whether it’s a casual family gathering or a festive party, this guacamole recipe is sure to impress!

Remember, the beauty of guacamole is its versatility. Feel free to customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences. You can add diced tomatoes, chopped cilantro, or even a bit more jalapeno for an extra kick. Let your creativity run wild!

I hope you enjoy making the easiest guacamole recipe. Don’t forget to share your experiences and feedback with me. Happy dipping!

Love, Jenn

Guacamole FAQs

Why is it important to choose ripe avocados for guacamole?

Choosing ripe avocados is essential because they provide the best texture and flavor for guacamole. Ripe avocados are slightly soft when gently squeezed and have a creamy consistency, making them easier to mash and blend into a smooth and delicious guacamole.

Can I make guacamole with unripe avocados?

While it is possible to make guacamole with unripe avocados, the texture and taste may not be as desirable. Unripe avocados are firm and lack the creamy texture of ripe avocados. Additionally, unripe avocados can have a bitter flavor that may affect the overall taste of your guacamole. It’s best to wait until your avocados are ripe and ready for the best results.

How to quickly ripen avocados?

Avocados can take a long time to ripen if stored in the refrigerator. To quickly ripen your avocado, simply allow it to sit on the counter at room temperature. Your fruit should be perfectly ripe in a day or two.

How long can I store prepared guacamole?

Prepared guacamole can typically be stored in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 days. However, its shelf life can vary depending on the freshness of the avocados used and the handling of the guacamole. To extend the freshness, store the guacamole in an airtight container or a plastic bag, ensuring it is tightly sealed to minimize exposure to air. Always use your judgment and if the guacamole appears or smells off, it’s best to discard it.

Can I freeze guacamole?

Yes, you can freeze guacamole! Freezing guacamole is a great way to preserve any leftovers or make a large batch in advance. To freeze guacamole, transfer it to an airtight container or a freezer-safe plastic bag. Make sure to flatten the guacamole within the container or bag to minimize air exposure. Frozen guacamole can be stored for up to 3 months. When ready to consume, thaw the guacamole in the refrigerator and give it a good stir before serving.

How can I prevent guacamole from turning brown?

Guacamole tends to turn brown when exposed to air due to oxidation. To prevent browning, you can add citrus juice, such as lime or lemon, to the guacamole. The natural acids in citrus juice act as a preservative, slowing down the oxidation process. Another effective method is to tightly cover the guacamole with plastic wrap, directly touching the surface to create a barrier between the guacamole and air. By minimizing air exposure, you can help keep your guacamole fresh and vibrant for longer.

Is this guacamole recipe spicy?

No. While the recipe does contain jalapeños, it’s only enough to give it flavor. If you prefer for your guacamole to be spicy, I suggest making it as directed, then gradually add diced jalapeños until the desired heat is achieved.

Can I customize the guacamole recipe?

Absolutely! One of the great things about guacamole is its versatility. You can customize the recipe to suit your taste preferences. Consider adding diced tomatoes for extra freshness, chopped cilantro for a burst of herbaceous flavor, or a bit more jalapeno to turn up the heat. Get creative and experiment with different ingredients to make the guacamole uniquely yours!

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